Our Labs

Environmental and Climate Change
Education Projects of the FutureEd Lab
The Atlas of India Project
of the Map Lab

Future Ed Lab

Environmental and Climate Change Education Projects of the FutureEd Lab


Climate Change Education: Project TROP ICSU (Trans-disciplinary Research Oriented Pedagogy for Improving Climate Studies and Understanding) of the International Union of Biological Sciences

CSECC, FLAME was invited as a partner of Project TROP ICSU in 2022. It is the coordinating and implementation partner of Project TROP ICSU.

TROP ICSU is an open access education platform that aims to improve climate change awareness across the curriculum, across the world. This platform contains more than 800 free-to-use curated onlineeducational resources that integrate climate studies with high-school and undergraduate curriculum invarious disciplines.

TROP ICSU has conducted more than 25 teacher training workshops and trained approximately 1000 teachers in 10 different countries.

Project Partners

International Union of Biological Sciences

FLAME University

International Union of Forest Research Organizations


International Union For Quaternary Research

International Mathematical Union

Climate Extremes

Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Indian National Science Academy

Mongolian Academy of Sciences

International Science Council

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

International Union of Soil Sciences

Young Earth Systems Scientists

International Union of Geological Sciences

African Union of Conservationists

National Research Centre

World Meteorological Organisation

World Climate Research Programme

Australian Academy of Science

International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics


International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology

National Research Foundation

The Map Lab

The Atlas of India Project of the Map Lab

The Map Lab aims to create a comprehensive open-access archive of digital maps of India. The Atlas of India project will create maps using open source and other software, by using satellite derived remotely sensed and other data, and by compiling existing survey maps of India that will culminate in creating several thematic atlases.

The Map Lab

Projects of The Map Lab

The Atlas of India Project of the Map Lab

Atlas of Environmental Change in India
A database of Environmental change in urban Areas, Forests, National parks and Wildlife sanctuaries in India.
Digital maps of India from antique, pre-colonial, and colonial times.
An open-access platform of spatial data for the city of Pune.